Monday, February 3, 2014


Just like everything else the Craft Show has a set of rules to be guided by.  But note the entry date is a guide as I do accept late entries, its just that if you send your entry in earlier I have an idea on how many entries I will have.

Entrant Responsibilities
·                All entries MUST be entirely the work of the entrant
·                Each entry MUST have an entry card, containing Entry No/Section affixed to the entry.  This will be given out when entries are delivered for judging.
·                Stands MUST be provided as appropriate and these MUST have an entry number marked on it.
·                Any Marks identifying the entrant MUST be hidden for judging.
·                Entries with loose parts MUST have those parts secured.  Please also advise the person on duty when you drop off your entry.
General Conditions
·                     Limited entries apply to School, Art & Special Needs sections only.
·                     All application forms must be submitted on the official ENTRY FORM (or photocopy) by Friday 22nd February 2013.  Any problems concerning this please contact Show Convenor to discuss.
·                     All application forms MUST include an entry fee, $2.00 for Children & Special Needs Sections and $3.00 for all other entries.  Faxed or emailed applications can pay on delivery of their item.  Items will not be accepted until payment has been received.  Please Note:  There is no longer an EFT or Credit Card facility.  Cheques to be made out to ‘M G Graham’ or Cash only will be accepted on 28th February on delivery of entries or with entry form before that date.
·                     Artwork entries must be delivered to the Ferntree gully Cricket Pavilion, entry from Glenfern Road, Ferntree Gully on Thursday 28th February 2013 between the times of 1.00pm and 8.00pm only.
·                     Due to lack of storage NO ENTRIES WILL BE RECEIVED OUTSIDE THOSE TIMES.
·                     All entries will be on display for the duration of the Knox Festival.
·                     Judging will take place on the morning of Friday 1st March 2013.
·                     The Judge/s may award ribbons as he/she deems worthy, the judges’ decision is final and there will be no appeal on this decision.
·                     All exhibits are to be collected between 5.00pm and 6.30pm Sunday 3rd March 2013, from the Ferntree Gully Cricket Pavilion.  NO ENTRIES WILL BE RELEASED BEFORE THIS TIME.  PLEASE NOTE: NO VEHICLE ACCESS PRIOR TO 6.00PM.
·                     The Committee of Management has the right to withhold any entry they deem to be unsuitable.
·                     Depending on the number of entries, some sections may be split or grouped together or not judged if not enough entries, however all entries will be put on display.
·                     Where possible items will be hung.  If an item can be hung it must have a suitable hanging device appropriate for the weight of the item.
·                     Items can only be entered in one section only,
·                     All judges have extensive experience in their field, the exception being Special Needs, School and Christmas & Australiana Sections.

We would like to extend our thanks to our 2013 Sponsors – Rowville & District Neighbourhood House, Knox City Council, Ferntree Gully Community Arts Centre.

The 3 Sections are:
Professional means anyone who makes a profit from the craft, including teaching and selling.
Intermediate meals anyone who has been doing the craft over 5 years or has previously won 6 First Places at a major craft show (this includes Agricultural Shows) or in a similar category.
Hobbyist means anyone who has been doing the craft for under 5 years and has not previously won 6 First Places at a major craft show (this includes Agricultural Shows) in a similar category.

Art Section is only open to Intermediate or Hobbyist.

There is a section for Primary and Secondary students, Special Needs Adults and Children.  These sections have limited entry numbers.

·                All persons connected with or engaged in any activities associated with the Art & Craft Expo do so entirely at their own risk.  A Security Service is on 24 hour duty from Thursday till the end of the Festival on Sunday.  An Art & Craft Expo Volunteer is on duty each day of the show.
·                While all care will be taken, those involved with the Art & Craft Expo and Knox Festival, accept no responsibility for loss or damage to any item entered or displayed in the Knox Festival 2013 Art and Craft Expo.

Special Sections
Christmas and Australiana themes are separate sections.  Items will be selected from entries in Sections 1 thru 46 by Show Convenor at no extra cost to exhibitor.
Please note that due to the diversity of these sections a guest judge, may adjudicate.  These Sections will not be judged against any existing rules from craft organisations.
Special Needs
This section is open to adults and children with special needs.  Strict limit of 3 entries per person applies.
Art Section
This section is only open to Hobbyist, Intermediate or School entries.  A strict limit of 3 entries per person applies.  All art entries must have a suitable hanging device, which will take the weight of the entry when hung.
School Section
This section will be judged against peers, please select your school level.  School Section entrants may enter Classes 1-46 but must pay the $3.00 fee.  If you enter for each section, please complete a separate application form, one for school, one for craft.  Items cannot be entered in more than one section.  Limit of 3 entries applies to the School Section.

Those who wish to sell their artwork entries may do so at the show.  Please indicate your price in the appropriate box on the application Conditions of Sale form.
Sold items will be paid in full before the end of the show, but cannot be collected until after 5.00pm Sunday 3rd March 2013.
Monies paid will be given to the entrant at the end of the show with a receipt for the item in a sealed envelope.
If a prospective buyer cannot pay for an item at the show or has expressed interest in an item not for sale, their name and contact number will be taken (if they wish) and given to the entrant at the end of the show for contact.  Please Note: this is done as a service and Knox Festival Art & Craft Expo will not be responsible if contact is not made.
Entrant’s personal details will not be given out under any circumstances.

To support art and craft makers within our community, if your student/s enter the show, you will be allowed to provide either Business Cards or A5 brochures to advertise your services to interested parties.
The above applies to those who conduct art and craft classes only.
No personal soliciting will be allowed.
You are not required to be affiliated with any organisation.
If you are interested, please contact the art & Craft Expo Convenor, Maryanne Graham who will be happy to discuss by contacting her on 0412 838 870 or

If you are interested in forming a group to help in the running of the Knox Festival Art & Craft Show, please indicate on the application form.

Please note NEW Entry and Payment details
Payments can be made:
Cash or cheque with entry up until 27 February 2013.  Cash only after this date upon delivery of your entry on 28th February 2013.
Cheque made payable to “M G Graham”, when you send in your entry form prior to 28th February 2013.
If you email your entry form you may pay in person when you deliver your craft for judging on 28th February 2013.
If you wish to pay via Bank Transfer, please contact me via mobile or email to make arrangements.
Entries can be:
Emailed to – (Fee must be paid upon delivery of entry)
Mailed to – Craft show, 12 Jenhill Court, Rowville  Vic  3178

More Next time

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