Friday, April 12, 2013


Well sorry I have not been on for a while so apologies for that.  Anyway to the Show

It was great, so many entries, such talented people.  I stressed as usual about entries but while entries were down on last year we had  a total of 148 entries spread across the sections.  Judges found it difficult due to the high standard of entries.

This year we had the use of the entire ground floor area, which made it easier for people to get around, especially those with prams or wheelchairs.  Still having problems with signage, that people could not find us but as this is its permanent home, I am hoping people will know where we are for next year.


Firstly to my freind Lynette Preston who spent most of the 4 days at the show and was invaluable for keeping me in line.

Secondly to Judith Cairnduff who came and stayed to help, thanks Judy.

To Petra Glaser who kindly offered to write the certificates for me, I know she was up to the early hours and I thank her from the bottom of my heart for her kind offer, she was one of the reasons my stress levels were down this year.

Also to Andy Simpson and his event staff for all their help, cleaning and preparing the venue, providing volunteers to help set up and tear down, the tables and all the little things needed.  I must say without the support of the Council, we could not run the show.

This is the first year I can remember since I started the show that I have not been stressed (apart from number of entries).  Lyn and I walk out of the venue on Thursday and Friday and reasonable times and able to go home and spend time with family rather than at the show till the early morning setting up.

Lastly to everyone who entered the show and came and had a look.  I love the Saturday and Sunday when I can relax and talk to people about crafts.


The Knox Festival had beautiful weather and drew large crowds, the feedback I received was very positive.


Margaret McHardy for her Paverpol Sculpture.
Margaret also received Best in Open Section

                  Margaret McHardy - Paverpol Sculpture

Rachael Dols for "Cooper" Dog in Graphite


Marie Fitzgerald for her magic box
Nicolette Kneebone for her hand sculpted Drover
Glenda King for her Intarsia Box
Helen Edwards from Norrita Ceramics.  Her Jug is a combination of three techniques
Carving, glazing and overglaze
Lynette Preston for her multi coloured knitted cardigan
Emily Brennan for her diarama
"The night before christmas"

Congratulations to everyone who won a major award.  And congratulations to all the other prize winners.